Shoulder discomfort and stiffness are frequently reported issues that many individuals experience, particularly when engaging in physical activities in everyday life.
To alleviate shoulder discomfort and stiffness individuals can benefit from incorporating specific shoulder-strengthening exercises, stretches, and careful movement practices into their routine.
Common causes of shoulder pain.
Shoulder pain can often arise from conditions such as:
Rotator Cuff tendinopathy
Frozen Shoulder
Traumatic injury
Torn rotator cuff
Dislocated shoulder
Understanding How it Happens
These symptoms can arise due to poor posture, overuse of the shoulder muscles, muscle imbalances, or sometimes underlying medical conditions.
Injuries can occur either as a result of repetitive overhead movements or a traumatic injury. Age, poor posture and weakness can increase the likelihood of these injuries happening so regular strengthening & stabilising exercises are important to maintain the health of this joint.
The Rotator Cuff: Function and Importance
The rotator cuff is composed of four muscles: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. These muscles play a crucial role in stabilizing the shoulder girdle, facilitating arm elevation to the side, and maintaining arm stability within the shoulder joint.
These muscles are frequently utilised during pushing and pulling movements.
Ways in which Pilates can be beneficial
Most Pilates classes incorporate targeted exercises which focus on strengthening and stabilising the muscles of the rotator cuff. Regular practice can help rehabilitate and prevent reoccurence of previous injuries. By gradually building up shoulder strength and flexibility, and promoting better body awareness, participants can reduce the risk of injury and enhance their overall Pilates experience.
Top exercises to strengthen & improve stability
Once the initial phase of inflammation has subsided the following exercises may help improve you recovery. The following exercises promote strengthening and enhance range of movement.
Side lying weighted “dumbwaiter.”
Banded “dumbwaiter”
Doorway stretch
Banded Lateral Arm Raise
Bow & Arrow (banded)
Banded Shoulder Shrugs
Shoulder swing
Lying VW arms
As with all exercise, particularly following injury, build up gradually and above all “listen to your body.”
Many cases can be treated conservatively with exercises and inflammation reduction, others will need assessment by a physiotherapist, some may require a medical assessment. If you are still experiencing pain, swelling or reduced movement, consult your medical professional.
Key takeaways:
‘’Pilates is effective for shoulder pain because it strengthens and stabilises the muscles around the shoulder, improves posture, and increases flexibility. It’s a gentle, low-impact workout that’s perfect for both preventing and managing shoulder pain.’’