One of the most frequent comments I get is regarding class intensity - especially in Pilates.
Delivering group classes to many different people can be as rewarding as it is challenging.
A Beginners’ Class will incorporate predominantly basic level exercises & stretches and the instructor will offer 2 or even 3 levels of intensity (easy / medium / hard - with or without equipment ) which the individual can choose depending on how their body is feeling on that given day.
It is important for you to “listen” to how you are feeling in that moment, respect your limitations & exercise responsibly.
Someone may be returning from a holiday, an illness, surgery or be completely new to fitness and will need to work at the lower level and perform fewer repetitions until they feel accomplished enough to build up to more.
When you've attended regular, consecutive sessions you will become more accustomed to the teaching points and can develop your core strength by choosing to do more repetitions and the harder options as you progress.
